Woodland Path Wolves

The Wolves heads are deep in the woods and you should have had a good walk if you have reached this area of Community Woodland. These were carved at Cairngorm Nature event   2011 by Iain Chalmers and were donated to the Woodland Trust to be sited in Glenchanroch Woods

In Scotland, official records indicate that the last Scottish wolf was killed in 1680 in Killiecrankie (Perthshire), but there are reports that wolves survived in Scotland up until the 18th century, and a may even have been seen as late as 1888.

There is a project which would like to see Wolves reintroduced in Scotland – find out more about the debate here


Scientists back reintroducing Wolves to Scotland to encourage Biodiversity

Polite request

Please be aware of the uneven terrain in woodland areas and wear appropriate footwear.

Please take care when crossing roads.

If walking dogs please ensure you pick up and deposit in the Dog poo bins